The Pilates Method

Joseph Hubertus Pilates combines elements of strength training, ballet, yoga and acrobatics in his method of body conditioning. He called his system of movement the art of control. A trainee’s imbalances are revealed throughout a training session. After some time and regular training the learner gets to move from a strong core, which is equally stable and mobile. Everyone, even athletes, start in the beginner system. After having mastered pelvic control people are gradually exposed to intermediate exercises. As students systematically progress through the various stages, the most dedicated can eventually even master exercises of the advanced system.
The following Pilates principles are key to form a strong resilient body:


We are trying to stabilize and mobilize our pelvis and spine.
Mental focus will lead to better short-term and long-term memory.
By working all our body systems (muscular, fascial, nervous,cardiovascular, breathing) we try to gain stability and mobility.
Every Pilates exercise should enhance the body alignment which lets you move in a healthy way.
Many exercises have a special breathing pattern. In the Pilates system you learn to use your lungs, diaphragm and all connective tissue to their full potential
Not only will you come into a flow state of mind, but your Pilates exercises like you everyday movements will get a fluid, yet strong quality.

Pilates Intel Article

The positive impact of the Pilates system on a country’s health system (MÖDLING, 21.8.2022)

Every country has a different health system and every country has a different understanding of what its people need to stay healthy. In some countries you have to pay for your own hip replacement, in others your health insurance makes it possible. Some countries support people taking Pilates lessons, in others it’s considered a private luxury.

In recent times public health has been under scrutiny. What is health? Are you healthy when you are not in pain? Are you healthy when you are not prone to any infections? Are you healthy when you can tackle all obstacles life throws at you?

Josef Hubertus Pilates created his system of movement at a time where people were generally healthier than they are nowadays. But even he realized that his contemporaries had started to sit more and move less.

Andrea Seipel

studied Spanish and English philology at Vienna University. For ten years she taught these languages to adults . Within a postgraduate seminar she heard about Pilates for the first time. She was intrigued and tried to train herself with Alyces Ungaro’s Pilates books.

She received her first mat certification in 2007 by Sandra Genzel in Baden. In 2010 she went on to finish her comprehensive training by Power Pilates. After having taught classical Pilates for ten years in her Pilates Mödling studio (group classes on the mat, privates and duets on the classical apparatus), she started teaching from home.

Andrea is constantly visiting continuing education conferences, workshops and webinars. She loves being inspired to do more research on fascia, kinesiology etc. by the following teachers: Lolita San Miguel, Bob Liekens, Peter Fiasca, Kathy Ross Nash, Rebecca Leone, Dorothee Van de Walle, Brook Siler, Chris Robinson, Eric Franklin, Siri Dharma Galliano, Shari Berkowitz, Madeline Black, Alan Herdman und Sonje Mayo.

Practice lessons

Day Time Place
TUESDAY 19:00-20:00 pm BG Keimgasse Mödling (during schooldays)
THURSDAY 17:30-18:30 pm AK ASKÖ Traiskirchen

Individual lessons and equipment lessons by arrangement!
Entry into the open beginner group lessons is only possible if there is no physical impairment.

Please bring this questionnaire filled out and signed with you to the first lesson.


Andrea Seipel
Weißes-Kreuz-Gasse 48
2340 Mödling
0676 590 63 40


Mag. Andrea Seipel
IBAN: AT33 2011 1292 4481 6302

Member of the austrian pilates association